Type Plasty, the operations performed with the aim of correcting the deformities of the tip of the cartilage structure without interfering with the bone structure of the nose are called tipplasty. With tipplasty surgery, nasal tip drooping, asymmetries and cartilage curvatures that narrow the nostril entrance can be corrected. Wide nose tips can be reduced. Since the nasal bones are not intervened in the surgery, there is usually no swelling and bruising around the eyes after the operation. After tipplasty surgery, it is fast for patients to return to their normal lives. When deciding on tipplasty surgery, the tip structure of the nose should be evaluated together with the general nose structure. If there is a problem with the nasal bones, tipplasty surgery will not be sufficient and rhinoplasty surgery will be required.


Information and Appointment

Contact us for more information about rhinoplasty and rhinoplasty, free consultation and appointment. We are happy to help you.