
Septum, is the supporting structure located in the midline of the nose, separating both nasal cavities. Deviated septum is a common cause of nasal congestion. People with a deviated septum usually have a history of nasal trauma at birth or in early childhood.

Deviation of the septum;

  • Single or bilateral nasal obstructions,
  • Recurrent nosebleeds,
  • Recurrent sinusitis,
  • Pain in the face area, nasal discharge,
  • Snore... may cause such problems.


Examination is required for diagnosis. A nasal speculum and endoscope are used for examination. If there are problems with the turbinate as well as deviated septum on examination, it should be detected. In the operation to be performed, it is necessary to give appropriate treatment to the turbinate in order to pass the nasal congestion.

Septoplasty surgery is an operation that takes an average of half an hour under general anesthesia. If the patient also has aesthetic concerns, it will be more appropriate to perform it together with rhinoplasty (nose aesthetics) surgery. When it is performed together with the nose aesthetic procedure, it takes an average of 2-2.5 hours. Women, 16 years and older, and men, 17 years and older, is suitable for both septoplasty surgery and rhinoplasty surgery. After septoplasty surgery, silicone tampons are placed in the nose and removed painlessly in the clinic after 2-3 days. After 10 days, the control is done. It is necessary to protect the nose from impacts for 6 weeks after septum deviation surgery. After 2 weeks, sports can be started. After 1 month, swimming can be started. There is no harm in wearing glasses because the external bone structure is not intervened after septoplasty surgery.


Information and Appointment

Contact us for more information about rhinoplasty and rhinoplasty, free consultation and appointment. We are happy to help you.